Welcome to Ita's Bistro! It is my pleasure to have you here! Enjoy and have fun! Do not forget to leave your feedback. The recipes are first in English and then in Portuguese. Thank you for your visit, and come back soon.
Bem vindo ao Ita's Bistro! E um imenso prazer tê-lo aqui conosco! Se divirta. Nao esqueca de deixar seu comentário. As receitas estao sempre primeiro em Inglês, e depois em Portugues. Obrigado por sua visita, e volte sempre.

Monday, March 6, 2017

Tagliatelle from scratch.

Fresh tagliatelle with lemon butter sauce, shrimp and capers.

Brigadeiros gifts for Easter!

Easter is comming soon! Let's celebrate! Reserve your gifts with us. Our brigadeiros are delicious, decadente, exotic, unforgettable, and our gift boxes are luxurious, gorgeous, beatiful! It will make anybody so happy! It is a lovely gift!
To order go to:

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

Fresh Cod a la Ita

Fresh Cod a la Ita.
4lb of fresh cod all clean, no bones or skin.
Juice from 1 lemon
salt and pepper
4 medium onions
2 large carrots
1 little bag og new potatoes muiti colors
1/2 green, 1/2 yellow, and 1/2 red bell pepper
2-3 heads of garlic peeled and smashed to break
3 sprigs of fresh rosemary
1 1/2 cups of estra virgin olive oil
1 cup of dry white wine.
Garnishes: cilantro, chilli peppers
Aluminun foil to bake.

Cut 2 onions in half. Fry them side down to brown the top. Reserve.
Cut 2 other onions in slices, cook them into water with 1 table spoon of sugar until start to boil. Remove from heat, strain and reserve.
Peel the carrots and cut in diagonal in thick slices ( 1/4 inch thick)reserve.
Wash the potatoes really good and prick them with a fork. Reserve.
Slice the bell peppers lenghtwise. Reserve.
Peel the garlic cloves and smash them to break it.
In a little sauce pan place the olive oil, rosemary sprigs and peeled garlic and fry them until garlic is lightly brown and fragrant. Reserve.
Wash the fish in cold water, coat it with lemom juice. Strain almost all the juice out. Season the fish sprinkling salt and pepper.
To assemble the fish: Spoon 1/3 of the olive oil all over the fish on both sides and place fish into baking/serving dish.
Arrange boiled onions, carrots, bell peppers, grlic cloves from the oil, sprigs of rosemary, all over the fish and side of the baking dish playing with veggies's colors. Place fried onions halves at the top of all the veggies with fried side up to garnish..
Mix the remmaining olive oil with white wine and pour all over the veggies.
Cover with aluminun foil loosely. bake at 400F for 20 minutes. Remove the foil and let it bake for 5-10 minutes more. Test if the potatoes are cooked.
Garnish with chopped cilantro and chilles if desired.
Serve it by itself or with white rice.
If you want you can substitute the new potatoes po other potato. Just wash them, peel and slice them thick. About 1/3 of a inch thick.


Bacalhau Fresco á moda Ita.

2 kg de bacalhau fresco sem pele, e sem espinha.
Sumo de um limão Siciliano
Sal e pimenta preta moída na hora à gosto.
4 cebolas médias
2 cenouras grandes
20 mini batatas, de diferente variedades e cores, com a casca, ou umas 5 batatas normais descascadas e cortadas em fatias de mais ou menos 1cm.
 Metade de um pimentão verde, metade de um amarelo, e metade de um vermelho cortado em tiras finas.
2 - 3 cabeças de alho descascados e amassados só para quebrar.
3 galhos de alecrim fresco.
1 1/2 copo de azeite de oliva extra virgem
1 copo de vinho branco sêco
Coentro picado,e pimenta biquinho, ou dedinho de moça para decorar.
Papel aluminium para assar.

Corte duas cebolas em fatias grossas. Coloque numa panela, coloque agua até cobri-las. Coloque 1 colher de sopa de açucar e cozinhe até começarem a ferver. Tire do fôgo, escorra e reserve.
Corte as outras duas cebolas ao meio. E em uma panela pequena frite as metades com a parte cortada para baixo até dourar. Reserve.
Descasque as cenouras e corte na diagonal com 1 cm de espessura. Reserve.
Lave as batatas bem lavadas, e fure com um garfo. Reserve
Lave o peixe e espalhe o suco do limão em toda a sua superfície.

Para arrumar o prato:
Com uma colher unte todo o peixe com 1/2 copo do azeite doce saborizado com o alho e rosemary e o arrume em uma travessa funda que possa ir ao forno.
 O restante do azeite misture com 1 copo de vinho seco e reserve.
Arrume todos os outos vegetais por cima e aos lados do peixe, brincando com as cores dos vegetais. Por último coloque as cebolas fritas com o lado cortado para cima como mostra a foto.
Regue tudo com a mistura do azeite com vinho e espalhe os dentes de alho e os galhos de alecrim pelo prato.
Cubra com o papel aluminium sem fechar os lados. Asse em forno quente pré aquecido por 20 minutos Retire o papel laminado e asse por mais 5-10 minutos até que as batatas fiquem cozidas. (não moles, quase al dente)


Wednesday, November 16, 2016

WE ARE BACK! You can now place your order!      www.brigadeirogourmetshop.com
 We ship coast to coast in the US. From our door to yours.
 Brigadeiros are delicious and decadent! It's the most genuine and delicious  Brazilian treat. It is such an elegant gift that anybody woul'd be delighted to receive! Take a look in our online store and place your order. We work with high quality ingredients and our candies are artisanal, each recipe is unique, and itthey are made to order.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Now we are open online. You can order our lucious gourmet Brigadeiros. We ship to you coast to coast. Visit our brand new online store at: www.brigadeirogourmetshop.com  

Friday, September 20, 2013


I could make this dish with a risotto, but I thought about how a risotto can be  intimidating to the ones thatare not familiar with it. So I made this easy, practical, versatile  and delicious version,  to make your day easy and still delightful. Enjoy.

Asparagus and mushroom creamy rice.
For the asparagus:
12 green asparagus (reserve some of the heads for garnish).
Boil a medium size pot of salted water, and when it boils submerge the asparagus and cook until "al dente" cooked but still have a bite to it.. Strain and place them into ice water. Strain them again and cut the heads that you going to use for garnish, and reserve. Cut the remaining asparagus into little pieces and reserve.

6-8 mushrooms thin sliced or diced if you prefer 
2 shallots small diced or 1 medium onion minced 
2 cloves of garlic minced
1 and 1/2 tbs butter+ a drizzle of olive oil
1 tbs capers  or Calamata olives pitted and cut into thirds 
1/3 cup Parmesan cheese
1/3 cup brandy or dry white wine
1/2 tsp lemon zest
2 cup cooked rice
Into a medium size pan add butter plus a drizzle of olive oil and saute shallots or onion until soft, add mushrooms, add a pinch of salt and cook until mushrooms are soft. Add  garlic and cook for 30 seconds.
Add olives, capers, add brandy or wine, and cook for 40 seconds until the alcohol evaporates.
Add 1/3 cup of water( I use the water that I cooked the asparagus)
Add hot cooked rice, Parmesan cheese, and asparagus, and lemon zest. With a wooden spoon combine all together. 
Adjust salt, add pepper.
Add 1 tbs butter to finish
The rice should  not be soggy, but a little wet like a risotto.

For the salmon:
Wash the fish with lemon or lime juice.
Sprinkle salt and ground black pepper on each side of a salmon steak. About 1/3 of salt on each side , and 1/3 of pepper on each side.
Heat a skillet and add 1/2 tbs of olive oil, and 1/2 tbs butter Add fish top down, press with spatula, and cook it for 2-3 minutes, Turn the fish and cook the other side for approximately 2 minutes. 
When you add the fish to the hot pan, press with a spatula and do not move the fish around. Let it cook. It will make it crusty.
Place the fish into preheated oven 375 F for approximately 7-8 minutes to finish cooking.. Use a skillet that can go into oven so you only use one pan to do the fish. Serve half of a steak for each person. (I cut them after I bake so it remains moist inside).
To plate it, you can do as shown on photo above. 
Drizzle the top with 1 spoon of extra virgin olive oil.


Thursday, June 27, 2013


Jambalaya a delicious New Orleans rice spiced with Creole seasonings.

1 andouille sausage or other spicy sausage without casing, cut in rings then in half moon
3 oz bacon chopped
4 oz of grilled pork meat cut in cubes
1/2 lb shrimp peeled and deveined and seasoned with salt pepper, lemon, and olive oil.
1 1/2 cup of parboiled rice 
2 stalks of celery small diced
1 can diced tomatoes in tomato juice
1/2 green bell pepper
1 large onion medium diced
4 cloves of garlic smashed
1/2 tsp dried oregano
1/2 tsp cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp chili powder
1/2 tsp Cajun seasoning
1/4 tsp cumin
2 bay leaves
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
1 tbs olive oil
3 cups of chicken or beef stock low sodium 
1/2 cup of green onions chopped
In a cast iron pot add 1 tbs of olive oil, add bacon and let it render and fry until crispy. Remove from pot and reserve it.
Add sausage to the same pot and fry until golden brown. Remove and reserve it. 
Add shrimp cook until pink, remove and reserve it separated from the other meat.
Add onion, celery, bell pepper, and cook until soft. Add garlic and cook for 40 seconds.
Add salt and pepper.
Add tomatoes and juices, oregano, cayenne pepper, chili powder, Cajun seasonings, cumin, bay leaf, Worcestershire sauce.
Add all the reserved meat, but the shrimp.
Add rice and mix everything well with a wooden spoon.
Add 3 cups of chicken or beef stock and cook all together until rice is almost tender. Add more stock or water if needed. 
At the last minute add shrimp mix and cover the pot and leave it rest for 5 minutes.
Before serve it garnish with green onions and drizzle with extra virgin olive oil.

Tip: use the meat that you like the most, chicken, beef, pork, sea food, mixed, you name it.
       If you like more spicy you can add hot sauce to it,



1 andouille sausage sem a pele, cortada em rodelas e cortada em meia lua. Pode substituir por uma boa calabresa apimentada.
100g de bacon picado
120g de carne de porco grelhada e cortada em cubos.
300g de camarão descascado, eviscerado, e temperado com sal, pimenta preta , limão Siciliano, e azeite doce.
1 e 1/2 copo de arroz parbolizado lavado 3 vezes e escorrido.
2 talos de salsão cortados em cubinhos
1 lata de tomate (pelati) ou 2 tomates cozidos e sem casca, e cortado em cubos.
1/2 pimentão verde picado
1 cebola grande picada (2 copos cheios)
4 dentes de alho amassados
Sal e pimenta preta à gosto.
1/2 colher de café de orégano sêco
1/2 colher de café de pimenta calabresa moída
1/2 colher de tempero Cajun (mistura de  alho em pó,  cebola em pó, chili powder (pó de pimenta), páprica doce, cayenne pepper.
Uma pitada de cominho
2 folhas de louro ou 1/2 colher de café de louro em pó.
1 colher de café de molho Inglês.
1 colher de chá de azeite doce
3 copos de caldo de carne ou de galinha.
1/2 copo de cebolinha para salpicar.
Em uma panela coloque 1 colher de azeite doce e frite o bacon até ficar crocante. Retire da panela e reserve.Na mesma panela acrescente a calabresa, frite até dourar e, retire da panela e reserve. Na mesma panela coloque os camarões e cozinhe ate que fique rosado. Retire da panela e reserve separado.
Na mesma panela adicione 2 colheres de azeite doce, o salsão, a cebola, o pimentão e sauteie até ficar macio, adicione o alho e cozinhe por 40 segundos.
Adicione sal e pimenta preta moída à gosto.
Adicione o tomate e misture tudo junto. Coloque o orégano, a pimenta calabresa, o tempero cajun o cominho e as folhas de louro, ou o louro em pó, e o molho Inglês.
Adicione o arroz e misture tudo com uma colher de pau.
Adicione o caldo de galinha ou de carne, e cozinhe tudo junto até que o arroz esteja quase cozido.
No ultimo minuto coloque os camarões, mexa , desligue o fôgo e tampe a panela deixando esta descansar por 5 minutos.
Salpique a cebolinha e azeite doce extra virgem por cima antes de servir.

Obs: Voce pode utilizar qualquer carne, ou frutos do mar, ou galinha ou a combinação que desejar. Se gostar de bem apimentado pode adicionar hot sauce, ou pimenta gota.
